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Lot 17 - 10 Units Semen - Evolution 409/5

High bid
5 years 47 weeks 4 days 12 hours 44 min ago
Lot Information:
Mr US Polled Evolution 409/5

Final Price is 10 x Bid Price

Mr US Polled Evolution 409/5

There is not a Polled bull that can match the performance, size, power, and bone that Mr. US Evolution 409 carries.  He has stood out from the day he was born. When weaned off his dam, Evolution's actual weaning weight was an impressive 811 pounds. His yearly weight was 1173 lbs. with his current weight being 2600+ pounds.  This bull will put some power and frame into your polled or horned cattle.   Evolution 409's sire was Mr JRS Polled Dextor who was a son of  the National Reserve Junior Champion,  JME US Lexor Manso 71 (P).  Though Lexor 71 died at the age of two due to an accident he has made a tremendous impact on Salinas Ranch's polled program producing very fertile females and a new line of polled cattle.    On the Dam side, Evolution goes back to JDH Mr Martins Manso 384,  nicknamed “Doughboy”. This bull came from the J.D Hudgins- Hudgins Division and carried enormous bone.  Doughboy has passed that desired trait on to his daughters and subsequently their progeny.  We give all the credit for Evolution 409's huge bone to his grandsire.  Evolution 409 calves have been structurally sound, big boned, and very growthy.  Evolution is a bull we think can really change the perception of Polled Brahman cattle. We look forward to continue seeing the positive impact this outstanding unique performance bull will have on our program.  This bull is a tremendous outcross for progressive Brahman breeders willing  to color outside the lines.


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