Grade 6 - BROILERS - My normal routine while doing this project is going out to the pen every hour and thirty minutes and while I am out in the coup I will usually freshen the water top off the feeders shake up the birds let them rest and shake them up two more times after that. During the night or if I am at school my parents help take care of them. Over the last three years of me showing chickens I have learned that the key to having big birds is constantly checking on them making sure they have fresh air fresh water and fresh feed and I have also learned that when you first bring the birds to the coup you need to make them comfortable and if they are comfortable they will eat and drink more. Some other things I have learned is that you need to spread wing bands on day seven so that the bands don’t grow into the wing you also need to cull your pullets and small birds on days 18 and 28 so that the bigger birds are more comfortable and have more room to grow out.