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Lot 16 - Polled Simbrah Herd Bull Prospect

High bid
10 years 23 weeks 5 days 4 hours 24 min ago
Lot Information:
LMC 6G Red Rock 5Y/203
RGV LMC Dr. Beauty X076

LMC Rock Solid is a big boned blazed face purebred Simbrah show and herd bull prospect that was the only bull in a great litter of calves. We are selling an awesome full ET sister as Lot 17.  He is sired by our International Champion LMC 6G Red Rock who is out of the famous and popular LMC WFC Dream Girl and our champion LMC HS Rocco bull. Rocco is out of the great LMC EF JW Black bull and the super productive PRR Morning Star cow that was a full sister to  the International Champions Red and Black Bullet.  Morning Star was the Honeycutt's pick of 72 PRR calves so when you combine her and Dream Girl, you have two of the all time most productive and popular cow families in the Simbrah breed.


Add to this power, the goodness of his dam, the popular RGV LMC Dr. Beauty and we have a great prospect.  She won many a show for Savannah and Cameron Chappell.  As you can see in her and Red Rock's photos, both are rich in bone, muscle, correctness and breed character.   Dr. Beauty was sired by our 2009 Reserve National Champion LMC ATZ Dr. Feel Good who is one our better herd sires that has produced lots of good ones for us.  As Rock Solid loses some of his grass belly and his muscle takes shape, you will have a very well balanced bull that is the COWMAN'S KINDA BULL.   100% sells. We reserve the right to collect up to 300 units of semen for our own in herd use.

consignor:La Muneca, RGV & Chappell

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