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Lot 16 - Mr. V8 588/7

High bid
9 years 16 weeks 6 days 6 hours 12 min ago
Lot Information:
Mr. V8 588/7
Barzee's 851/3
Miss V8 833/6
BW: 3.1 WW: 16.4 YW: 22.5 M: 6.0 MBW:-.2 HCW: 14.2 Fat:.003 REA:.08 Marb:-.01 % RP:-.01 Tend:.06 Doc.:0
V8 Ranch

Another high quality, gentle disposition, low birthweight, very stylish bull who is nicely balanced. His mother is one of the headlining donors at V8 Ranch and a daughter of the famous +Miss V8 38/6 cow who put Double A Ranch on the map in the early 2000s. She is a direct daughter of the International Grand Champion Female +Miss V8 73/5, who is a daughter of the world famous +Miss V8 165/4 cow who was also an International Grand Champion Female. His half brother was a high selling lot in the 2015 V8 Ranch Performance Bull Sale. Our philosophy at V8 Ranch is that great bulls come from great cow families and here is one that has written the history books for us at V8.

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