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Lot 16 - Miss V8 640/7 - Flush

High bid
7 years 18 weeks 2 days 15 hours 43 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss V8 640/7 - Flush
JDH Sir Avery Manso
Miss V8 485/6
L2 Ranch

Lot 16

Flush Miss V8 640/7

If you look up in this sale you will see a great daughter out of this cow selling in Lot 4. This cow really breads well to JDH 840. She has always been a high-count embryo producer with an average of 14 embryos per flush on a conventional procedure. 640 is sired by the Liberty son, JDH Avery 159/7 and out of a Karu 800 daughter. This cow has the pedigree to produce some of the best cattle in the breed. This cow has produced for us and gives us confidence she will produce great claves for you just like she has done for us. All work must be done at Sexing Technologies. Buyer assumes all costs associated with the flush

. L2 Ranch guarantees 6 Grade A transferable embryos. Certificates will be released to the buyer only. The buyer cannot sell, trade, or donate embryos.

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Sire - JDH Sir Avery Manso
Sire - JDH Sir Avery Manso
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Progeny of Miss V8 640/7 - Lot 4

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