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Lot 16 - LMC Polled Amy 94/8

High bid
5 years 35 weeks 3 days 23 hours 39 min ago
Lot Information:
Lot 16 - LMC Polled Amy 94/8
Polled Scurred Brahman Heifer
LMC FCC Polled Amigo 204/4
JLY Miss 612/1
BW 0.9, WW 25.8, YW 35.8, Milk 6.4
La Muneca Cattle Co.

Lot 16 

LMC Polled Amy 94/8 is one of the growthiest, biggest boned heifers selling in this sale. She is one of the first heifers we sell out of our champion LMC FCC Polled Amigo bull that we own with JD Hudgins – Forgason Cattle Co. He is one of the biggest boned POLLED bulls in the breed and is the direct result of our ole buddy Dr. Richard Forgason asking us to share our genetics with each other to breed some better POLLED cattle. We each picked two cows out of each other’s donor herds and then bred them to each other’s best bulls. The rest is history. 

Polled Amigo is a maternal brother to the WOW COW who has one of the highest IMF Scores 6.96% ever measured in the Brahman breed. This heifers dam is a granddaughter of the great +WR Suva 203 and came from our ole buddy Jody Youngblood who has been breeding practical POLLED Brahman cattle for many years. When in the Waco area, give him a call. They have some really good POLLED cattle. 

Buyer will receive two units of semen on any available LMC Herd Sire to AI this heifer to.


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