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Lot 16 - LMC BBS Andrea

High bid
10 years 45 weeks 4 days 4 hours 1 min ago
Lot Information:
LMC BBS Andrea
Polled Purebred Simbrah Female
6GLMC Pappadeaux Y111
BBS Jennie Walker
BW: 4.65 WW: 61.20 YW: 85.0 M: 24.50

Consigned by Boening Bros. & La Muneca

SELLING: 1/3rd Interest and 1/3 Possession

This gorgeous baby doll is sired by the exciting new sire 6GLMC Pappadeaux and our productive donor BBS Jennie Walker.  Andrea combines all the traits that judge’s desire, is backed by a championship pedigree and has the look to take you all the way.  She is arguably one of our most complete and exciting females of the year destined to do big things in and out of the show ring.  Andrea offers that sweet blend of both femininity and stoutness in an attractive and sound package.  Russell Boening who is a lifelong cowman and produced Andrea’s dam believes she is better than Jennie Walker at this age.  We have been excited about her since day one.  She qualifies for the La Muneca Jr. Program, which we feel is among the most supportive in the country.  She is one of the most promising show and donor prospects we have ever raised and will be a solid buy at any price.  Selling 1/3rd interest and 1/3rd possession with the buyer having an option to triple the price and own full interest and possession if the final bid is $8,000 or higher with BBS & LMC reserving 1 flush if the buyer triples the price.

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