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Lot 16 - J7N Whiskey River W02 - 5 Units of Semen

High bid
5 years 26 weeks 2 days 4 hours 59 min ago
Lot Information:
J7N Whiskey River W02
LMC JW Black
LMC Knockout Muneca 5M/9
BW: 4.9; WW: 65.4; YW: 97.1; API: 73.5; TI: 52.2

Final Price is 5  x Bid Price

J7N Whiskey River W02 was the 2010 Reserve National Champion in San Antonio.  This moderately framed and correct, solid black powerhouse has produced plenty of show heifer prospects.  Being a JW Black son, this sire produces flashy and show ring ready calves from the beginning.  And to top that, he is an easy calving bull for sure.  We sold Whiskey River several years ago to Justin Campbell in North Texas and he will confirm how easy calving this guy is.  You don’t have to hesitate on using this semen on heifers.  It works!!!

As mention above, Whiskey’s sire is the immortal LMC JW Black.  Sire of many, many champions and his progeny is arguably the most extensive in the Simbrah breed.

Then, what can we say about Whiskey’s dam?  The matriarch of La Morra Ranch, LMC Knockout Muneca 5M/9.  If you know anything about Simbrah, you know about M9.  Producer of Champions J7N VicMar, Whiskey River, Dam to LMC Oprah which is dam to LMC Miss Diva and granddam to Dream Girl. 

This is a super genetic package.  Semen is stored at Brushy Creek Custom Sires.

Other Lot Images
Sire – LMC JW Black
Sire – LMC JW Black
Other Lot Images
Dam – LMC Knockout Muneca
Dam – LMC Knockout Muneca
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Full Sister – J7N What A Delight
Full Sister – J7N What A Delight

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