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Lot 16 - ECC Polled Rio Queen 312/9 (P)

High bid
5 years 17 weeks 3 days 10 hours 10 min ago
Lot Information:
ECC Polled Rio Queen 312/9 (P)
LMC Polled Sambo 45/0 (P)
ECC Miss Kim
BW: 1.9 WW: 20.0 YW: 31.9 M: 3.9
England Cattle Company

We have always been told that you need to consign the ones that hurt and letting this one go hurts bad but we know that she will represent us well with her buyer.  ECC Polled Rio Queen 312/9 is just a July baby but you can already tell that she is going to be special with her incredible build, proven pedigree and ideal performance profile that is low birth weight and high growth.  This babydoll is sound structured, big boned, deep ribbed, heavy muscled and extremely eye appealing with her dark pigmentation.  Not only does 312/9 have the phenotype and performance that any cattleman will appreciate but she boats a pedigree that the most discriminating Brahman breeder will demand.  Her sire is LMC Polled Sambo 45/0 (P) who has over 100 progeny registered in ABBA, has done us an outstanding job siring many of our show winners and lead herd sire ECC El Caporal in addition to being one of the most widely used polled sires globally.  The dam to 312/9 is one of our young cows that is the proven cross of LMC WFF Pistolero over +S Donna 247 that has produced a herd sire and many foundation females.  As you will gather from viewing her pedigree she is double bred Pistolero which will only make any resulting outcrosses that much better with an extra kick of heterosis.  We appreciate your consideration of this elite heifer and can’t wait to see what her future holds and the impact that she makes!

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