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Lot 16 - DONATION LOT - Mr. H Jotham Manso 424/3 - 5 Straws of Semen

High bid
7 years 20 weeks 3 days 22 hours 47 min ago
Lot Information:
DONATION LOT - Mr. H Jotham Manso 424/3 - 5 Straws of Semen
Barrilleaux Family

Final price is 5 times the bid price 

Mr. H Jotham Manso 424/3 is the senior herd sire and many time champion for the Barrilleaux Family of Point Clair Farms. His biggest wins have come at the 2015 All-American Junior Show and the Louisiana State Fair at Shreveport open show where he was named Grand Champion. He was also the supreme champion of all beef breeds at the LSU State 4-H Livestock show in 2015. If you are looking for a bull to add style and performance to your herd look no further! “Jo” has proven himself in a short time to be an elite herd sire as evidenced by his daughters in this sale. We are selling 5 straws including 5 certificates with the option to double. Final price is bid price x number of straws desired. Additional AI certificates will be available at $50 per certificate. All proceeds from this lot will be donated to the Varner family to assist with medical expenses for their daughter Lainey’s surgery.

Zephyr Cattle Co. is a small operation from Seguin, TX with a focus on stylish and performance oriented Brahman cattle. The Varner family of Zephyr Cattle Co. has been developing their herd for a short time, but has never shied away from buying elite animals to give them the best genetic foundation possible. Unfortunately, Dillon and Rachel Varner were recently given terrible news that their daughter Lainey would require open-heart surgery as soon as possible.

“Never in a million years would I have ever thought of hearing a doctor advise a husband and wife within 5 minutes of a sonogram on their 4 year old daughter’s heart, that they would be needing to proceed with open heart surgery because the “device” isn’t going to work. Mind you there was no preface to the conversation. Even the word “device” 5 minutes into what we thought was going to be another normal “just checking” “everything is going to be okay” doctor’s visit dropped our hearts into the pits of our stomach’s, and our eye’s filled up with tears coming to terms with the reality of the situation. Our world went upside down in those few short minutes. Totally awestruck... T-boned metaphorically and mentally.”

Those are words from Rachel regarding their completely unexpected situation, one that no parent would ever want to be in. Please consider helping them in their time of need even if you choose not to bid on this lot.


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