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Lot 16 - C-P Ranger 748C6

High bid
8 years 9 weeks 3 days 19 hours 12 min ago
Lot Information:
C-P Ranger 748C6
Diamond S Ranger 146
Miss Grandview 748
BW: 1 WW: 19 YW: 27 M: 2 Marb: -.03

How hard is it to find full brothers at a bull sale?  Not here.  This is another set of Diamond S Ranger 146 brothers out of the prolific Miss Grandview 748.  Buy one or buy all three, the result will be consistent performance calves with growth no matter the cows you use.  These are the types of bulls that can make a difference in a breeding program.  An ET flush-mate sister brought $5,000 at our Power Progeny Sale in August.

Scan Data 12/17/2016
Weight: 1120
REA: 12.49
REA/CWT: 1.12
IMF: 3.81
Fat: 0.39

Scrotal: 37cm

Selling 100% Possesion and 2/3 Semen Interest

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