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Lot 16 - BCC Kachina

High bid
9 years 52 weeks 10 hours 26 min ago
Lot Information:
BCC Kachina
BCC/CHCC Powerman
CHCC Lullabelle
ASA# 2949707
BW: 5.5 WW: 63.4 YW: 88.8 M: 18

Consigned By: Baring Cattle Company

“Kachina” is a product of a donor that has produced many Champions at Baring Cattle Company and seems to do it with any mating.  A “Powerman” heifer was a sure thing in our opinion.  A word that describes this heifer could easily be a feminine “meat wagon”.  This female has all the bases covered.  She is neat fronted, deep bodied, very sound and as long a bodied heifer you will find in the pen.  She is a heifer that has continued to get better every day and we can only imagine what she will look like in the future.  We have all of the confidence in the world that this female will be an awesome addition to anybody’s program.


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