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Lot 15 - WEW Miss Watkins 416 - Replacement Heifer

High bid
3 years 42 weeks 1 day 13 hours 2 min ago
Lot Information:
WEW Miss Watkins 416
Sire: JDH Sir Isaac Manso 774/6
Dam: WEW Miss Watkins 370
Watkins Brahmans

You have to love the phenotype of this female that is red tinged, heavy boned, big bodied, and thick ended.  Not only does she have the ideal look but she offers a useful performance profile that is moderate for BW, and ranks in the top 15% of the breed for Growth and Milk.  This outstanding build and performance comes from the cross of JDH Sir Isaac Manso 774/6 with a daughter of our former show bull Mr. SG Malazzo 75/2 and +Cross Fire 02/2.  When you combine all of these together you build a pedigree with the most influential animals in the breed to include +JDH Mr. Elmo Manso, (+)JDH Atlas Manso, (+)JDH Sir Liberty Manso, a full sister to +Miss V8 805/6, and (+)JDH Karu Manso 800.  Hopefully by now you see the results of our efforts to breed cattle that combine a great look, a breed leading pedigree, and proven performance.

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