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Lot 15 - Semen - 5 Straws: Mr. V8 335/8

High bid
1 year 42 weeks 2 days 16 hours 42 min ago
Lot Information:
5 Straws: Mr. V8 335/8
Sire: +Mr. V8 458/7
Dam: Miss V8 518/6

Purchase Price = 5 X Bid


In this sale we are offering OUR best. Mr. V8 335/8 is sired by +Mr. V8 458/7 “Noble” who has sired more show ring winners in the past 5 years than any other sire.  The dam to 335/8 is Miss V8 518/6 who we purchased from V8 Ranch and is the dam to their herd sire Mr. V8 918/7 and a Maternal Grand Dam to our herd sire Mr. V8 460/8.

The genetic combination of the influence of (+)JDH Karu Manso and (+)JDH Madison De Manso has been established as one of the signature crosses in the breed.  Mr. V8 335/8 combines this cross and is moderate framed, deep ribbed, heavy boned and with superior performance as you would expect from this proven cross.  It should be noted that the genetic indicators of 335/8 rank in the top 2% of the breed for weaning weight and yearling weight and the top 3% for ribeye area.

Don’t miss this opportunity to purchase one of our leading herd sires that is backed by some of the most proven genetics in the breed!

View two of his daughters selling as lots 3 & 8.

Selling 5 units of semen with unlimited AI Certificates.


Other Lot Images
Sire: +Mr. V8 458/7
Sire: +Mr. V8 458/7
Other Lot Images
Dam: Miss V8 518/6
Dam: Miss V8 518/6

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