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Lot 15 - Paizlee Miller - Steer

High bid
3 years 48 weeks 5 days 2 hours 58 min ago
Lot Information:
Exhibitor: Paizlee Miller
Club: Brighton 4-H Steer
Weight: 1078

Lot 15 - #14 - Paizlee Miller: My name is Paizlee Miller. I am the daughter of Kerwin and Amanda Miller. I have been in 4-H since peewees, I am in the 5th grade. I have a steer, a 1st year yearling heifer and a 2nd year bred heifer this year. I am EXTREMELY busy with all of them. My steers name is Buddy and he was so small when we first got him, it took a lot of hard work and dedication to get him where he is at today. My favorite feature of Buddy is his Butt! But I loved every minute of it, between us moving houses and having to relocate our animals several times we have managed to make this year one to remember for sure. I also do rodeos and play softball so we have no down time, we are ALWAYS on the go. I am very excited to show off all of my hard work this year. Thank you for taking the time to read my bio. Paizlee Miller.

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