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Lot 15 - MR DUBINA ROSE 165/6

High bid
7 years 18 weeks 14 hours 59 min 58 sec ago
Lot Information:
Developed Bull
MISS V8 168/6

LOT 15 Mr. Dubina Rose 165/6

We are extremely pleased to again have participated in this program and all of our bulls making the sale. This year we nominated 3 embryo full brothers that are headlined by this top young sire prospect. 165/6 has always been our favorite due to his moderate build, structural soundness, deep rib, heavy muscle, and big bone. In addition to his outstanding phenotype, he also combines the signature cross of a J.D. Hudgins sire on a V8 dam. The sire to 165/6 is JDH Mr. Manso 779/4 that is owned by J.D. Hudgins and was a former show bull winning National Calf Champion, International Reserve Calf Champion and Champion Bull at the Texas State Junior Show. We were able to purchase this limited semen at an AJBA fundraiser and love his calves. The dam to 165/6 was our foundation donor that was a daughter of the legendary +Mr. V8 287/5 “Superstroke” and out of one of the most maternally oriented lines in the breed. In addition to an ideal build and an exclusive pedigree 165/6 offers carcass value scanning a 1.12 sq. in./100 lbs. Adjusted REA and a 3.61% Adjusted IMF Score. As most know, our program is a little different than some as we push our calves from birth to let them express their genetic potential and to prepare them for an elite market. Due to the bulls being pushed from birth, they were the heaviest going on the test which left them less growing to do as compared to the average of the program. Evaluate the bulls on their genetic potential as they will certainly be some of the more popular bulls on sale day. Mr. Dubina Rose 165/6 will be the most likely to fit an upscale Brahman program of any in the sale due to his breed leading pedigree, actual performance and practical phenotype.

BW - 89 Adj Weanig Weight - 676

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