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Lot 15 - Miss V8 649/8

High bid
5 years 42 weeks 5 days 23 hours 29 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss V8 649/8
Mr V8 306/7
SCD Miss Sugar Rex 26

Again, we are offering something here that may be a mistake on our part to sell.
649/8 is a bred two-year-old heifer with unlimited potential.
We bought this heifer as a weaned calf in V8’s private treaty sale two falls ago.
At first, we didn’t find her, but went back through the cattle on the recommendation of our good friend, then herdsman, Kolton Thigpen. He really liked this little heifer and she has grown into a very attractive young female.
She is sired again by the V8 306/7 bull that is a V8 380 son that has sired some phenomenal show heifers like Lauren Bolcik’s many time champion 511.
649/8 goes back to a cow Brandon and Rachel bought from Sam Duplanis as an outcross.
We have bred her to our young JDH Cornerstone bull for her first calf, like Lot 14. He has an excellent BW EPD and is built smoothly for easy calving. You too will be in on the ground floor of some of his first calves and on TOP of the Golden JDH X V8 cross.
PCC wants to see this baby.
PCC reserves 2 successful IVF’s

Exposed since 3/15 to JDH Cornerstone, PCC will retain until confirmed safe by ultrasound

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