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Lot 15 - MCU TCF Rachael ET 54N x Star Shock Wave 13Y ET - 3 Embryos

High bid
10 years 47 weeks 3 days 6 hours 38 min ago
Lot Information:
MCU TCF Rachael ET 54N x Star Shock Wave 13Y ET - 3 Embryos
Star Shock Wave 13Y ET
MCU TCF Rachael ET 54N
CE: -3.6 BW: +4.3 WW: +58 YW: +98 MM: +24 M&G: +53 CEM: +4.5 MCW: +110 SC: +0.7 FAT: -0.015 REA: +0.69 MARB: 0.00 BMI: +$15 CEZ: +$11 BII: +$11 CHB: +$28

Final Price is 3 x Bid Price

Consigned by: Grassy Run Resources, Inc

Power in the blood with this mating.  Rachael 54N is the dam of the number one registered bull in 2013, MSU TCF Revolution 4R.  She provided the power to 4R and her impact is felt throughout the industry.  She has produced two AI Sires purchased by Genex and numerous high selling females.  Shock Wave was the $115,000 ½ int high seller for Star Lake who went on to be Reserve Grand in Denver and Ft Worth Grand Champion Bull.  These calves will have the power and mass of Rachael coupled with the balance, thickness and eye appeal of Shock Wave.  Don’t overlook this mating!  Contact consignor for shipping instructions.  Buyer responsible for shipping costs.  Grassy Run Resources, Inc.- Aaron Glascock, 304.312.7060

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