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Lot 15 - LMC Simbrah Herd Bull/Club Calf Prospect

High bid
9 years 45 weeks 4 days 23 hours 34 min ago
Lot Information:
LMC TOPC Cut Amigo 5B/233
Flying B Cut Above
LMC KPBR Emphoria 1Z/175
3.7, 54.9, 77.0, 18.6

5B-233 is a NEW BLOOD bull calf sired by Flying B Cut Above better known as "Fat Butt". He is moderate, very correct and has a lot of muscle. He will make a top club calf and or bull. He is a purebred Simbrah and is very gentle. His sire has some of the more popular old school bulls like Nichols Black Destiny, Burns Bull 339U, MV Red Light and 600 U.  Good Simbrah bulls are hard to find so I recommend that you cowmen looking for some good bulls to put out next year, invest in these top young prospects and grow them out and acclimate them to your management and environment.

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