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Lot 15 - J7N Enrico E17

High bid
6 years 46 weeks 6 days 5 hours 5 min ago
Lot Information:
J7N Enrico E17
LN LMC 12th Man Y238
J7N Calypso Rose C26
CE 7.0; BW 3.8; WW 75.2; YW 106.6; API 85.2; TI 64.1

N Enrico E17

DOB: 4/5/2017

ASA # 3242287

Polled/Scurred Purebred Simbrah Bull

It was a very hard decision to make about consigning this little guy. J7N Enrico is a non-JW Black influenced bull calf has lots to offer. Granted it, he’s still young, but he is going to develop into an awesome herdsire in due time. We matched a Rhino daughter to a Ragun Cajun son and came up with this offspring. Enrico is squarely made, big legged, excellent spring of rib and is big footed. He is smoothly and softly made thus making him very attractive. And to boot, Enrico is one of the highest EPD indexing bulls in the business. He is in the top 10% in WW, top 4% in YW and top 3% in ADG.

J7N Enrico’s dam is J7N Calypso Rose that is a daughter of our J7N What-A-Lady donor. Enrico is Rose’s first calf and she did an outstanding job on her first go around. On this side of the cow family, you have Built Right, Goldmine, Dream On and of course LMC Rhino (2011 International Champion). You will agree that on the maternal side, Enrico is genetically stacked.

Not too shabby on the paternal side of this offering either. Enrico’s sire is the National Percentage Champion LN LMC 12th Man, a 6G/LMC Rajin Cajun son. Many champion calves have come from these two sires and Enrico is following in their footsteps.

La Morra Ranch will retain the right to collect 150 units of semen of off J7N Enrico for its in-head use. Collection will be at La Morra Ranch’s expense and buyer’s convenience

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