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Lot 15 - IVF HK Ms X-Ray 820

High bid
8 years 13 weeks 4 hours 29 min 43 sec ago
Lot Information:
IVF HK Ms X-Ray 820

Consigner - Stuart L. Watkins - Watkins Cattle Company

I.V.F. Guaranteeing 6 Transferable Embryos. One of the best donors at Watkins Cattle Company, HK Ms X-Ray 820 “Catalina” had an impressive show career and now is producing top cattle. This outstanding +3H X-Ray 825 donor is near perfection in the flesh and represents all the qualities the “X-Ray” progeny are known for.

Every year “Catalina” produces cattle in the top 5 best offspring at Watkins Cattle Company. Watch for one of her embryo heifer calves, Miss WCC Violet 217/6 with Payton Herzog. She gave 12 embryos during her last IVF to Mr. WCC Maximus 82/4 and Watkins Cattle Company is awaiting those matings to be born in 2017. This is your chance to incorporate a great producing X-Ray daughter into your program!

I.V.F. must be performed at ST Genetics in Navasota TX prior to June 1, 2017. 6 embryos will not be guaranteed if sexed semen or reverse sorted semen is used. IVF sells with 2 straws of Mr. WCC Maximus Rojo 82/4 for IVF use, semen did reverse sort in 2016.

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Miss WCC Violet 217/6, a top show prospect out of HK Ms X-Ray 820
Miss WCC Violet 217/6, a top show prospect out of HK Ms X-Ray 820
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Two straws of Mr. WCC Maximus Rojo 82/4 sells with I.V.F for HK Ms X-RAy 820
Two straws of Mr. WCC Maximus Rojo 82/4 sells with I.V.F for HK Ms X-RAy 820

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