Final Price is 5 x Bid Price
Selling 5 units of Semen
When you start to sort your bulls for that next great one, a lot of things come in to your thought process. How does he look, does he have the look to compete, will he pass on the best qualities that you look for, and does he have the pedigree to back it up day and day out. We have the answer to all of your questions and that is YES!
BCC Power Driver is the 2017 National and International Champion Simbrah bull, he comes from Seven Years of Champion or Reserve National and International Champoins combined. It will be very hard to find a family of Champions that can match that record, and continue to produce those kinds of cattle year and year out. Power Driver is one of the best and only black baldy purebred bulls in the breed today that has this kind of power and pedigree behind him.
His sire BCC/CHCC Powerman (deceased) was one of the best looking Simbrah bulls in the breed and has proven to pass that look along to each and every one of his calves. Shady Lady, also an International Champion is one of our lead donors on the ranch and she works every time with any breeding combination we have done. Power Driver has proven to have the same affect with the latest calf crop on the ground and crossed with different cow families. We are proud to be able to produce these bulls that will take this breed to another level and hope that you will take this opportunity to purchase some great genetics.