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Lot 15 - 6G Ms Rockstar C519 - Yearling Purebred Simbrah heifer

High bid
8 years 43 weeks 6 days 1 hour 41 min ago
Lot Information:
6G Ms Rockstar C519
Yearling Purebred Simbrah heifer
LMC 6G Red Rock 5Y/203
6G Ms Precious 5Y/107
bw 4.3 ww 62.3 yw 86

Consigned By: 6 G Ranch

Looking to add Pigment, Power, Performance, & Style, then look no further than C519.  This super functional female is a LMC 6G Red Rock daughter out of LMC Payaso (full brother to LMC EF Johnny Walker Black).  Payaso raised some great females for us, and he is a full brother to the Champion Producing Johnny Walker Black.  This dark red female was one of our most popular calves pre-weaning, and she should have ended up on a halter!  She is a true breeding tool that combines the show ring look and appeal of Johnny Walker Black with the Moderation, Power & Performance of 6G LMC Red Rock, who now is the Senior herd sire for Josh Harris.  C519 is a donor female in the making, and we hate to let her go.  Her dam is consistently beginning to produce top females and bulls for our herd!  She sells open with two units of semen on any 6G Ranch owned bull!

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