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Lot 15 - 10 UNITS OF POLLED BRAHMAN SEMEN - LMC Polled Authority 115/0

High bid
6 years 1 week 2 days 9 hours 20 min ago
Lot Information:
10 UNITS OF POLLED BRAHMAN SEMEN - LMC Polled Authority 115/0
+LMC LF Ambassador 700/7
Miss Double A 275/5
BW 2.2, WW 12.9, YW 21.1, Milk 4.2

SELLING ten units of LMC Polled Authority semen with 10 ABBA NONTRANSFERABLE AI Certificates as per ABBA rules. Extra certificates will cost $100 per certificate.  The buyer of this semen is responsible for registration of all calves produced by this semen. Selling by the unit x 10 in $10 increments.

LMC Polled Authority is one of the larger POLLED bulls in America and is producing lots of good looking, long bodied, capacious, big boned POLLED cattle off of horned cows. We co-own him with England Cattle Co. where he has produced some phenomenal cattle. He is out of LMC LF Ambassador and our best looking Double A cow (photo below) that goes back to JDH Karu and Madison de Manso. He is a full brother to the champion LMC Polled Leader that we own with our ole buddy Ken Abney that is also doing him a great job.

La Muneca - Flores owns a full sister, LMC Polled Elegance that was second in her class at the National Show that nears PERFECTION IN THE FLESH.  Check out the champion Polled Authority daughters below that won last year in Houston. They are THE RIGHT KIND. This bull has a bright future in the Brahman World. As more and more progressive breeders use him, you will see his stock rise. He has already produced several champion daughters and steers. Eligible for Australia.

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Dam is one of our very best horned cows that is very productive.
Dam is one of our very best horned cows that is very productive.
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LMC ECC LF Polled Lolo - many times champion daughter for Kendyl Sellman
LMC ECC LF Polled Lolo - many times champion daughter for Kendyl Sellman

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