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Lot 14B - Choice of Flush - SECOND PICK

High bid
10 years 21 weeks 4 days 20 hours 2 min ago
Lot Information:
Second Choice of Flush

Buyer will have the opportunity to have the 2nd pick from the Tic Tac Toe cowherd for ET or IVF transfer. Tic Tac Toe will guarantee a minimum of 6 transferable embryos. Buyer must make selection by December 1, 2014 or after the top selection has been made from Lot 14 A’s buyer and ET or IVF transfer must be done before March 1, 2015.

Buyer covers all flushing expenses and flush must take place at an agreed upon location between buyer and Tic Tac Toe Ranch.

Sample of Flush Offerings (Click Name To View Pedigree):

TTT Ms Suvette Marti 390

TTT Ms Suvette Marti 393

TTT Ms Suva Jordette 606

TTT Ms Suvette's BB 727

TTT Miss Suva Port 459

TTT Ms Suvette Marti 418

TTT Ms Suva Manso 244

WR Martin's Lil Cricket 4/8

WR Valorie Suvette 4/7

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TTT Ms Suva Jordette 606
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TTT Ms Suva Manso 244
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WR Martin's Lil Cricket 4/8
WR Martin's Lil Cricket 4/8
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WR Valorie Suvette 4/7
WR Valorie Suvette 4/7

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