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Lot 14 - WEW Miss Watkins 426 - Replacement Heifer

High bid
3 years 42 weeks 1 day 12 hours 42 min ago
Lot Information:
WEW Miss Watkins 426
Sire: LEW Mr. Watkins 02
Dam: WEW Miss Watkins 253
Watkins Brahmans

We have the BEEF!  If you are needing to improve the performance and carcass quality in your herd the options don’t come any better than WEW Miss Watkins 426.  This growthy, long and level made female comes backed by an impeccable performance profile that ranks in the top 15% of the breed for Growth, 4% for Ribeye Area, and 10% for Marbing EPD.  This superior performance is not surprising due to her pedigree.  She is sired by a former show bull of Lauren’s that is sired by the many time champion and multiple performance trait leader +Mr. V8 442/6 and out of an International Reserve Division Winner and full sister to the 2010 International Champion Grey Female.  The dam to 426 is sired by WEW Mr. V8 Chingo Manso who was recognized as the Overall High Indexing Sire in the ABBA Carcass Evaluation Program and out of Lady H Zoey Manso resulting in 426 coming from a half brother-half sister mating.

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Sire: LEW Mr. Watkins 02
Sire: LEW Mr. Watkins 02

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