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Lot 14 - TH T90 11X Advance 9A x Churchill Red Bull 200Z - 4 Embryos

High bid
9 years 49 weeks 1 day 9 hours 36 min ago
Lot Information:
TH T90 11X Advance 9A x Churchill Red Bull 200Z - 4 Embryos
Churchill Red Bull 200Z
TH T90 11X Advance 9A

Final Price is 4 x Bid Price

Consigned by: Southern Cattle Co

9A is a full sister to the Genex sire American Hereford and the recent high selling bred heifer in Topp's Sale at $20,000.  9A was the pick of the flush from Topp's by Southern and is out of the power donor T90.  She is long spined, deep and super thick with power.  The mating to Red Bull is filled with outcross low birth, high growth genetics with REA and maternal power.  Fresh and exciting new mating!



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