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Lot 14 - Simbrah - J7N Dapper Jay D38

High bid
6 years 49 weeks 10 hours 51 min 41 sec ago
Lot Information:
Simbrah - J7N Dapper Jay D38
PRR Black Major 25R
J7N Sheza Jewel B28
BW 4.0, WW 77.6, YW 106.7, MILK 23
La Morra Ranch

Lot 14

API – 93.5; TI – 66.9; BW – 4.0; WW – 77.6; YW -106.7

If you’re looking for a bull that has impressive EPD’s, look no further. J7N Dapper Jay’s numbers are in the top 15% in 8 different categories to include top 4% in weaning weight, yearling weight, and terminal index.

Dapper is the first calf out of our Sheza Jewel cow. This stout, moderately framed bull will no doubt be an asset to anyone’s cow herd. He’s got lots of middle and clean sheath and comes from one of the most productive Simbrah cow families. He is a LMC Knockout Muneca 5M/9 grandson and out of one of the top EPD ranking Simmental bulls in the country, CCR Cowboy Cut.

On the sire side, Black Major is a Pine Ridge bred bull that was a very successful for Charlie Honeycutt and Baring Cattle Company. Many, many show champions came out of this magnificent bull that is also a high EPD indexing bull.

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