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Lot 14 SHF Maggie P20 W155 x Churchill Stud 3134A - 3 Embryos

High bid
9 years 51 weeks 2 days 7 hours 24 min ago
Lot Information:
SHF Maggie P20 W155 x Churchill Stud 3134A - 3 Embryos
Churchill Stud 3134A
SHF Maggie P20 W155

Final Price is 3 x Bid Price

Consigned By: Matt Stucky

Maggie was a popular high selling lot in last years Sandhill Farms Production Sale.  She is an elite Progress daughter with a tremendous udder and a mouthwatering EPD Profle.  This mating to Stud is exciting in terms of the combination of low birth and high marb of Maggie with the power and performance of Stud.  Not only will these calves have the documentation to be trend setters but they will have the look needed to excel in the seedstock industry.

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Churchill Stud 3134A -Sire

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