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Lot 14 - MS Vivian D16

High bid
7 years 34 weeks 6 days 18 hours 35 min ago
Lot Information:
MS Vivian D16
Purebred Simbrah Show Heifer Prospect
LMC Dreamer Amigo 5B/59
6G Ms Net Power 3X/29
BW 3.8, WW 64.3, YW 86.7, Milk 18/4
KQ Cattle Co.

Lot 14

We appreciate the opportunity to participate in this great sale and to be a LMC Sellabration sponsor. As always , we are sharing our very best. As you can see, this fancy, high volume, performance oriented MAMA COW In the making represents the Simbrah breed very well. She is just 7 months old and offer lots of power and potential with an API Index in the top 25% of the breed.

She has a strong pedigree full of major champions like HR Power House, LM Full House, LMC Gig’em and some of the strongest cow families in both the Simbrah breed (LMC WFC Dream Girl and LMC 3E-89) and Simmental breeds (PTL Jetliner and CN SHeeza Dream). We appreciate the muscle, bone, pigment, breed character and overall TOTALITY that she offers. If you have any questions, please call Pepe Guerra at 956 330 5408.

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