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Lot 14 - Mr. V8 463/7 Semen

High bid
12 years 25 weeks 6 days 15 hours 44 min ago
Lot Information:
Mr. V8 463/7
+JDH Karu Manso 800
+Miss V8 209/6
BW:2.6 WW:27.4 YW:38.1 M:10.2

Purchas Price = 5 times Final Bid Price

The 2009 National Champion Bull and one of our ultimate favorites on the ranch. Here’s another bull that we very rarely offered semen on in the United States and most likely will not offer it in the future. This will be the only offering of 463 semen in 2012.
This bull is picture perfect, loaded with thickness and muscle, deep bodied, huge humped, dark pigmented, a great disposition, and a great pedigree.  He is optimum framed, structurally sound, and has outstanding breed character. He’s a leading Karu son out of a former Reserve International Champion Female, Miss V8 209/6,  who carries the 901 x Rose 495 cross. Outstanding pedigree in all regards.
To put it simply, we just love this bull. We love his pedigree, his look, his offspring and his gentle disposition.  In his first calf crop he produced a $25,000 herd bull, many replacement heifers for the ranch, and he also has a great second calf crop on the ground.  Not a lot of words needed here, just look at the picture.


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