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Lot 14 - Mr MK Jackpot 588/8 - 10 Units of Semen

High bid
9 years 19 weeks 5 days 19 hours 17 min ago
Lot Information:
Mr MK Jackpot 588/8 - 10 Units of Semen
TTT Mr Texas Lotto 670
Ms MK Loja Doble 5/564
BW: 0.0 WW: 7.9 YW: 17.5 M: 6.9

Final Price is 10 x Bid Price

Mr MK Jackpot 588/8 is a bull we acquired when we purchased the McKenney Farms herd. Jackpot is a really unique red Brahman bull. He is extremely gentle, a trait that he passes on to his offspring. He is really sound on his feet and legs. He could be the best structured red Brahman bull I have ever seen. His breed character, depth of body and hip structure is phenomenal. He is wide from front to rear and has excellent muscling throughout.

The best part of this bull is his pedigree. He would be an outcross for most red Brahmans today.  He is sired by the +TTT Mr Texas Lotto 670 bull and out of McKenney Farms, Miss Ruby, a former ABBA Show Cow of the Year. Our calves by this bull are outstanding and Tic Tac Toe has some really impressive calves by him also. You can utilize this bull in your herd with confidence.

We are selling 10 units of semen with the option to double your purchase.

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