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Lot 14 - Mr Chaparral 136

High bid
7 years 45 weeks 4 days 8 hours 35 min ago
Lot Information:
Mr Chaparral 136
Herd sire prospect
Mr 3X He's Got The Look 40/2
Ms Chaparral 136
L2 Ranch

Mr CR 136

The only RED being offered in our entire sale. Your first question is why are we selling a bull we purchased for a herdsire? Well, the answer is simple. We have a small red herd, with only 4 red cows. We cannot justify maintaining a herd bull for so few red cows. He is too good of a bull to go to waste. Every time we have shown this bull, he has won his class and/or division. He is very gentle and sticks like a dream, literally anyone could show him. He is sired by the “Hes Got the Look” 40/2 bull, the 1993 National Champion bull who has had more impact on the Red Brahman breed than any other bull. 136 is out of the National Champion Miss Chapparral 102 cow, a Winchester daughter who is doing a great job for them. This bull is huge topped, level in his design, stands on a great set of feet and legs. This bull would make a great impact on anyone’s herd. We are selling 100% possession. L2 Ranch would like to reserve the right to 50 units of semen at our expense for in herd use only.

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Sire- Mr 3X He's Got The Look 40/2
Sire- Mr 3X He's Got The Look 40/2

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