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Lot 14 - .+Mr 3X He's Got The Look 40/2 x Miss V8 921/7 - 3 IVF Embryos

High bid
9 years 18 weeks 2 days 20 hours 6 min ago
Lot Information:
+Mr 3X He's Got The Look 40/2 x Miss V8 921/7 - 3 IVF Embryos
+Mr 3X He's Got The Look 40/2
Miss V8 921/7
4L Cattle

Final Price is 3 x Bid Price

+Mr 3X He’s Got The Look 40/2 x Miss V8 921/7 IVF embryos x 3

+Mr 3X He’s Got The Look 40/2 is the past National Champion Bull that won every show he was ever shown in. Possibly the most influential red bull of the 90’s

The dam of these embryos is Miss V8 921/7. She is sired by JDH Cannon Manso and out of a +JDH Karu Manso 800 daughter that recently sold for $24,250.

We’re excited about this unique mating and believe the offspring will be quite exceptional.

Embryo lot terms:
Guarantee one 90 day pregnancy. If transfers do not result in a pregnancy from the first 3 embryos;  one additional embryo will be provided; if this transfer does not result in a 90 day pregnancy the seller will provide one final embryo. Transfer must be preformed by certified embryologist Recipient female must be approved by professional embryologist 90 day palpation must be preformed by licensed veterinarian or certified embryologist and must be preformed 85-100 days after transfer date. All cost are the responsibility of the buyer, including procedures and shipping


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.+Mr 3X He's Got The Look 40/2 - Sire
.+Mr 3X He's Got The Look 40/2 - Sire

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