We are selling 100% and RB Cattle is reserving the right to one flush following her show career. Astrid is another super fancy heifer who is extremely long bodied and extended from end to end. 21/6 profiles beautifully and when you step behind her she will impress the most demanding breeder with her width from stifle to stifle and wide arch and shape of her rib. Her dam is Miss RB 759/4 “Precious”, 2015 All American Reserve Senior Champion, full sister to Miss RB 591/2 “Emma Prince” 2014 All American Grand Champion and her brother the 2016 National Grand Champion Bull Mr. RB 354/4 “Ring King”. Her sire, our Liberty son, SMG Monumental 74/0 has done a tremendous job for RB Ranch and has proven to be an excellent mating with El Rey daughters.