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Lot 14 - LMC Picoso 5A/22

High bid
10 years 42 weeks 10 hours 2 min 36 sec ago
Lot Information:
LMC Picoso 5A/22
LN Cosmo
LMC Perc Muneca 3U/147
BW: 2.9 WW: 56.5 YW: 77.3 M: 22.3

LMC PICOSO 5A - 22  

Polled Purebred Simbrah Bull

ASA# 2771669

DOB: January 26, 2013


Consigned by La Muneca Cattle Company


Here is a super deep bodied, strong spined, solid red herd bull prospect that can help a lot of cows by adding depth, correct conformation and color. He is smooth polled and has a very good pedigree going back to some major Simmental bulls like the Denver Champion PCC Night Moves, the popular AI sire BOZ Redcoat and LMC Money who produced lots of good ones for us. Look at the photo of his maternal grand sire, Red Pericles who himself was a BEEF MACHINE.


His sire is a solid red bull sired by the $15,000 LM Red Moves who is a full sib to the $21,000 LM She Moves who is the dam to two International Champion bulls (Red and Black Bullet) and one female (Charming Moves).  His dam is also a maternal sister to the famous LMC Knockout Muneca M9 that put La Morra on the map.  This is the cow family that produced LMC Oprah who produced LMC Miss Diva, who then produced LMC WFC Dream Girl and so many more. They have raised the value of great Simbrahs and have made a major impact on the economics of Simbrah.


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