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Lot 14 - LMC 3/8 Simmental x 5/8 Brahman Simbrah Cow

High bid
9 years 49 weeks 3 days 23 hours 19 min ago
Lot Information:
LMC KPBR Emphoria 1Z/175
Triple P Main Dream
Smith Polled 86623
4.0, 55.2, 70.7, 20.3

Here is an interesting young first calf pair that will sell as two lots. This cow is solid black, polled, has a great udder and is one of the very few 5/8ths Brahman x 3/8ths Simmental % Simbrah cows that you can buy today as there are very few of them. We built our Simbrah herd by making 1/4 x 3/4 females from our award winning Red Brahman cow herd because of the hundreds of Simmy bulls you can select semen from to breed these cows to and bring in NEW BLOOD to the breed just like can with this cow.

Her sire is a son of the famous CNS Dream On Simmy who has been the dominant Simmy bull of the past ten years with many of his progeny topping bull tests, sales and winning shows. The paternal grand dam is the famous Breathless cow bred by Tommy Schwertner and shown by the Harvey Popp family.  On the maternal side, her dam is an own daughter of our Register of Renown LMC LF Ambassador who is one of the best POLLED Brahman bulls of all time.  The maternal grand dam is an old school POLLED Brahman cow with nine generations of POLLED breeding that has had five heifers in a row by three sires that have all sold at weaning for an average of over $6,000.

Ambassador progeny and grand progeny are averaging 4.21% IMF Marbling scores which is way above breed average. His progeny are winning and topping sales. His sons are working in several states and his daughters make great mamas with good udders and great dispositions.  Buy this young cow and breed or flush her to your favorite Simmy bulls and you too can bring in some very desirable NEW BLOOD to the Simbrah breed that only you will have thus creating instant CONSUMER DEMAND for her progeny.

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