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Lot 14 - Lady MN Marie Manso

High bid
4 years 13 weeks 3 days 9 hours 42 min ago
Lot Information:
Lady MN Marie Manso
Sire: Mr. MN Jack Manso
Dam: Lady MN Valentine Manso
Replacement Heifer
Consignor: MN Ranch

Lady MN Marie Manso is the result of three generations of crossing the top genetics from J.D. Hudgins, Inc., V8 Ranch, and Heritage Cattle Company.  As a result of these superior genetics Marie meets the ideal of being low birth weight and superior for carcass quality. 

She is sired by Mr. MN Jack Manso who is the result of ¾ J.D. Hudgins and ¼ Heritage Cattle Company genetics.  The dam to Marie combines some of the most proven genetics in the MN Ranch herd to include their “Chuck” bull with the many time champion Ms. MN 21.

If you like cattle that are practical and power packed then you are going to appreciate Lady MN Marie Manso.

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