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Lot 14 - JDH Mr Clave Manso

High bid
9 years 46 weeks 5 days 15 hours 27 min ago
Lot Information:
JDH Mr Clave Manso
Mr Royal K 48/8
JDH Lady Ellissa Manso 438/4
BW 3.9 WW 27.2 YW 45.4 M 4.0

Pen Score 1-Scrotal 40-BW 83-IMF % 3.92-REA/cwt 1.26-Frame Score 8

One of the first sons we have raised by the Royal K 48/8 bull also known as “Stud Duck”, JDH Mr Clave Manso 923/4 carries his sire’s extreme rib shape and width of top that he carries front to back and all the way down to his lower quarter.  A very easy going gentle bull, 923/4 has an abundance of loose skin and depth. A testament to how strong the Elmo “stamp” is, 923 also has many of the same characteristics of his Maternal Grand Sire.

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Sire: Mr Royal K 48/8
Sire: Mr Royal K 48/8

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