SELLING one full page, four color ad in a future AgMag with 100% of the proceeds going to the RGV Brahman & F-1 Association to support their Junior Brahman Exhibitors. This great opportunity will expire with the last issue of 2021. Donated by Michelle Martin.
Ag mag is a magazine that is centered for the world of Ag! It’s all about educating the world on how hard farmers, ranchers, and everyone Ag work. There has been a gap between consumer and producer and I want to close that gap and clear up all misconceptions. Without Ag we would have nothing.
The 4-H and FFA programs are crucial to my magazine because they are our future! I try to include 4-12 pages per issue highlighting their achievements and hard work. The magazine has a reach of about 50,000. I support this sale- what they stand for, and am so blessed to be able to donate to it and it’s cause .