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Lot 14 - ECR RO CHOSEN ONE 424 ET - 5 Units of Semen

High bid
9 years 33 weeks 2 days 4 hours 48 min ago
Lot Information:
ECR RO CHOSEN ONE 424 ET - 5 Units of Semen

Final Price is 5 x Bid Price

Chosen One was the talk of Denver this year in the Fawcett pen.  He is out of the famed Cash Flow's mother and a unique Sensation x Nitro's full sister bull that was a high seller in a previous Upstream Sale.  Cash Flow is deceased and semen is scarce.  Chosen One will make his own mark on the breed and will hit a home run on those About Time daughters everyone has!  Bid confidently.

Consigned By: Streamline Genetics


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