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Lot 14 - Chac Mason 2214 X LCC 408 Southland 919 - 4 Embryos

High bid
10 years 8 weeks 1 day 7 hours 41 min ago
Lot Information:
Chac Mason 2214 X LCC 408 Southland 919 - 4 Embryos
Chac Mason 2214
LCC 408 Southland 919

FINAL PRICE = 4 X Bid Price

Consigner - AMC Herefords

Guarantee 2 pregnancies if implanted by a certified tech

Big time opportunity! Southland is a top daughter of the popular ABS sire, CJH Harland 408. She is an ideal beef cow that is moderate framed, massive ribbed, easy fleshing, thick and powerful. She is proven to produce Herd Sires and Show Heifers that go onto become front pasture type cows. Our top 2 fall heifers and top fall bull calf are all out of Southland and we haven’t even tapped her full potential yet. Get in on the ground floor of one of the breeds rising donors. This mating to the 2014 NAILE Grand Champion Bull, Mason, is one that excites us a great deal. He is loaded with power, style, bone, foot, hip and muscle expression in all the right places. The buyer of these embryos will look really smart when they go to sell these calves!

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