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Lot 14 - BCC/J7N Power Driver

High bid
9 years 21 weeks 3 days 22 hours 44 min ago
Lot Information:
BCC/J7N Power Driver
BCC/CHCC Powerman
RJFF Just A Dream
BW: 5.4 WW: 67 YW: 95.8 API: 57.3 TI: 49.5

Consigned by Baring Cattle Co & La Morra Ranch

We have two bull offerings that we are very excited to bring you in this sale, and this young herdsire prospect has all the pieces for a big money producer in the coming months.  This “Powerman” son is a carbon copy of his father, in that he is super-deep bodied, big boned, and muscle expression that carries from behind his shoulders all the way down through his rear quarter.   His mother, Just A Dream has been a great impact in our herd and this mating has seemed to work each time, especially that with this mating the elusive “wild gene” is most always present, which gives off an extraordinary color coat to red offspring.  “Power Driver” will be a great addition to any program, and we are confident in his ability to produce great offspring for whoever takes him back to the ranch.

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