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Lot 14 - BCC Redman

High bid
6 years 46 weeks 6 days 5 hours 13 min ago
Lot Information:
BCC Redman
J7N Payload
CE 6.60 BW 3.90 WW 70.50 YW 96.05 MM 19.15 API 100.1

Lot 14 – BCC Redman – 3/4 X ¼ Simbrah Herdsire prospect – 9/18/17 – E101

If you are in the market for a successful Herdsire prospect, Redman is one that you can count on in the flesh.  He was one of the first J7N Payload bulls that was born and he has continued to rise to the top of the group. He is a big bodied red bull that can add bone and muscle to any program.  Redman is great fronted and good all the way to the ground.

His dam, SNF Bella Donna is a donor from the well know High Voltage bull.  She is also a top producer on the ranch, so this bull has not been a huge surprise once we got him into the barn.  He has a very good disposition, great hair, and is will work on most any cow in our opinion. Please be sure to take a good look at this bull on sale day and make the right choice on a good opportunity.  Baring Cattle Company reserves the right to 50 units of semen at our expense when bull reaches breeding age.

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