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Lot - 14 - BCC Power Train

High bid
4 years 50 weeks 3 days 12 hours 7 min ago
Lot Information:
BCC Power Train
BCC Power Driver
BCC Sophia
ASA # 3672050
CE 9.1 BW: 2.2 WW: 69.5 YW: 100.55 M: 18.6 API:102.1 TI: 64.7

Power Train is the Percentage Simbrah bull of the bull package we have in the sale this year. We have been using these percentage bulls and females in our program a lot to add to EPD numbers as well as some extra eye appeal that a lot of cattle breeders are looking for now days. Power Train has a big foot and big bone combine that with length of spine long neck and incredible hip this bull is definitely a powerful addition that you can be confident in all aspects of a program looking that little extra something. Bid with confidence you don

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