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Lot 14 - 5 head of ABBA Golden Certified Brahman X Angus F-1 Pairs with Angus sired calves

High bid
2 years 47 weeks 13 hours 28 min 34 sec ago
Lot Information:
0171 0411 0427 0431 0453
20-22 months
5 head of ABBA Golden Certified Brahman X Angus F-1 Pairs with Angus sired calves

Price = Bid X 5

Just like the ones above these ABBA Golden Certified Brahman X Angus F-1 Females are first calvers with 30-45 day old Angus sired calves (4 bulls, 1 heifer).  It would be expected that you should receive a large return on your investment when the calves at side are weaned and sold!

ID              Current Wt.

0171                960     

0411                950

0427                1020

0431                970

0453                1000


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