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Lot 13: TTT Lady Suva’s Echo 848/4

High bid
8 years 44 weeks 3 days 6 hours 20 min ago
Lot Information:
TTT Lady Suva’s Echo 848/4
JDH Echo’s Lair Manso 519/1
TTT Starlett Manso 296

The signature Tic Tac Toe cow look that’s demanded by cattlemen worldwide is found in TTT Lady Suva’s Echo 848/4. Every year Shirley Watts and family have contributed a GREAT one to the Bayou Belles and this year is no different. What’s not to love about a functional female that is massive over her top, moderate in design, extremely balanced and ultra feminine? TTT Lady Suva’s Echo 848/4 has it all!

The genetic combination in this female is something to admire. She’s sired by a senior herd sire used by Tic Tac Toe Ranch, JDH Echo’s Lair Manso 519/1. JDH 519/1 is sired by JDH Echo Manso and out of a +JDH Sir Marri Manso daughter. On the bottom side is where is gets interesting. The TTT Starlett Manso 296 female is one of the most functional and productive female at the ranch, she’s one of the easiest keeping and fleshing females you will find. In her pedigree is a former champion TTT Sander’s Superstar 588 who’s a +Mr V8 189/4 son and out of +WR Suva 203 dauther. This unique blend of JDH, V8 and Tic Tac Toe genetics is a home run.

As an added bonus...2 straws of semen by our current show champion, ABBA show bull of the Year and future herdside TTT Mr Suva Bob Manso 786/3 sell with this female. This is your only chance to use “Suva Bob,” Tic Tac Toe Ranch only offers semen for sale foreign only. Female is located in Frost, Texas for viewing and shipment.

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TTT Mr Suva Bob Manso 786/3, two straws of semen sell with TTT Lady Suva’s Echo 848 for future breeding (A.I. only).
TTT Mr Suva Bob Manso 786/3, two straws of semen sell with TTT Lady Suva’s Echo 848 for future breeding (A.I. only).

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