414 is hands down one of the thickest made bulls in this offering. He is a son of the Flying W 191 bull (Crosby son) from a top 552/7 daughter. This bull is a perfect example of how well Crosby 656/6 line perfectly complimented Steve Wilkins’ Flying W genetic lines. He is long bodied, has volume, flank and rear all in a clean sheathed package. 414 had a 116 ratio for yearling scrotal, 107 for marbling (4.92% IMF) and a 110 ratio for Ribeye area. He’s in the top 3% of the breed for calving ease, top 3% for milk and top 5% for %retail product. All of these values place him as a perfect fertile, worry free Beef bull that would bring efficiency and value to any operation. Steve Wilkins 325-226-1894
Consigner wishes to reserve the right to collect 200 units of semen on this bull at their expense and buyer’s convenience