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Lot 13 - PCC Golden Load 410/82

High bid
5 years 42 weeks 5 days 18 hours 35 min ago
Lot Information:
PCC Golden Load 410/82
JDH Locke N Load
Phillip Sonyadore 410B

Here’s modern F1 production at the finest level and is a ¾ sister to our reigning Grand Champion from the 2018 All American.
If you are looking for a Great Golden Certified F1 Brahman X Maine-Anjou Show heifer, look NO further!
Lot 13 is a powerful, stout, sound one that is still just that feminine and attractive. She is as long as a well rope and just as wide based. She will make an incredible cow after her successful show career too. We KNOW, because we have a number of sisters bred just like her and really shouldn’t sell this ONE!!
She is sired by the JDH Locke N Load bull that Joe Taylor of Somerset was lucky enough to find. He goes back to the great Jackie cow that has done incredible things in the Locke division at JDH.
Lot 13 is out of an old Maine-Anjou show heifer that is sired by the Gigolo Joe bull that propelled our program over the top in that breed and became the “Poster Bull” for the breed for a number of years.
Here’s a Really good heifer with a bright future that has cow greatness stacked behind her and written all over her!
PCC reserves 2 successful IVF’s

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