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Lot 13 - +MR. V8 700/3 X JDH LADY ADELLA MANSO 572/6 - 3 EMBRYOS

High bid
10 years 44 weeks 5 days 15 hours 40 min ago
Lot Information:
+MR. V8 700/3 (B 630321) X JDH LADY ADELLA MANSO 572/6 (C 830945) - 3 EMBRYOS
BW: 4.2 WW:27.1 YW:39.1 M:2.9

Final Price is 3 x Bid Price

This lot contains 3 grade 1 embryos produced by a conventional flush, it will be 3x's the money of the bid. The Sire is the phenomenal Register of Renown +Mr. V8 700/3. There are 6 Register of Renown animals in his 3 generation pedigree, including the (+)JDH Remington Manso and  (+)WR Mr. Suva 203 bulls. The dam, JDH Lady Adella Manso 572/6 has a pedigree cram packed with Register of Renown Animals, including (+)JDH Sir Marri, +JDH Sir Liberty, and +JDH Remington Manso.

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+MR. V8 700/3 - Sire of Embryos
+MR. V8 700/3 - Sire of Embryos

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